Six Days Tour Itinerary

Six Days Tour Itinerary

Day 1   Kabul

when you Arrive in Kabul we pick you up from the airport and take  you to our  office for briefing. If  there  is  time  then we will  be able  to
show  you some  of  the places of interest in the city. This can include some of the
following: The  sobering  OMAR  landmine  museum,  Shah-e  Doh  Shamshira
mosque, the Bala  Hissar,  the  British  cemetery, Babur’s gardens – the final resting
place of the first Mughal emperor or the hills of Bibi Mahru. This may also include the
remains of Darulaman Palace and a visit to the Kabul museum. Our tour around
Kabul also includes several notorious sites during the Taliban time as well as some
heart warming experiences such as the children’s circus. Overnight in Kabul.

Day 2   Kabul – Bamiyan

We will fly between Kabul and Bamiyan, the capital of the Hazarajat -home  of  the
Hazaras  and  one  of  the  most  peaceful  places  in Afghanistan. When we arrive in
Bamiyan we will have time for a look at  the  hill  sides  riddled  with  caves  in  which
monasteries  and Buddhist carvings were once situated. Overnight in Bamiyan.

Day (3) To Band -e Amir

A two hour journey west takes us to the extraordinary chain of lakes at Band-e Amir.
Set in the middle of a barren mountain landscape, the lakes are astonishingly
beautiful with the water color varying from turquoise to deep blue-black from lake
to lake. Don’t assume that photographs of the lakes have had their color touched
up – they really are these coolers, tinted by the mineral salts in the springs that feed
the lakes. For those who are feeling active, there is the opportunity to do a good
walk around the cliff edge; for those after a more relaxed day, it is simply a great
spot to take in this natural wonder, which in any other country would be teeming
with visitors. Overnight hotel

Days 4-5   Bamiyan and around

In these days Bamiyan allows for two leisurely visits to some lesser known but
equally impressive sites in the nearby countryside. First we drive the short distance
to the base of Shar-e Zohak. This imposing fortress at the eastern entrance to the
Bamiyan Valley has been used by various commanders over the past two millennia
and although largely destroyed by Genghis Khan’s forces, it is still a great place to
explore on foot. In particular, the summit gives a truly spectacular 360o view over
the surrounding area. Later we’ll head for the Shahr-e Gholgola, another fortress that
saw its glory destroyed in the face of the Mongol invasion of the 13th century.
History tells us that in 1221 Genghis had destroyed Balkh and sent his teenage
grandson with an army to capture Bamiyan. The people of Bamiyan resisted and
Genghis’s grandson was killed. Genghis besieged and destroyed Gholgola in revenge.
Today its ruined remains overlook the central Bamiyan valley and provide superb
views over the Buddha niches and the surrounding countryside. Overnight hotel

Day 06: fly back to Kabul And  Drive from Kabul to Panjshir Valley :

We will spend the day exploring this incredible valley so expect to start early and
make the most of it! The river has a narrow and extremely fertile flood plain and is
famous for its fruit. However the sides are steep mountains hence its excellent
defence qualities. In the spring especially, watered by the melting snow, these
mountainsides are dark green giving an impression of overwhelming fertility. When
Afghanistan was on the tourist trail, the Panjshir’s proximity to Kabul combined with
its  natural beauty made it most people’s first destination in the country
after the capital. It was also conveniently accessed from Pakistan by journalists
covering the Russian and Taliban wars when it’s geographical situation, and the
brilliance of its mujahedeen commander, made it unconquerable. Massoud defeated
the Russians here 15 times, and so comprehensively that they stopped trying to
capture it. Most of the television footage of the war shown in the West was shot
here. Murdered by Al-Qaeda operatives two days before 9/11, Massoud is revered
today as a national hero and we will visit his tomb, set in a commanding position
above the valley. Overnight hotel,

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Wafa Tours

We are experienced tour operators in Afghanistan
We are from here .and we know the region well than any other companies.
contact us for your Rental services ,Tour packages and Total Logistics .

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(1) Comment

  1. Wafa Tours

    Hello my good friend Mr James Mex
    thank you for your great comment about our site ,Kambiz Wafa tours always trying to add the most important information of Afghanistan in the site.
    we really want to share this information for our clients and world travelers ,specially to those travelers that they would like to come and see Afghanistan , a country which is always in the headlines of news .
    a country which has friendly and hospital people .
    once again thank you for your comment and we are always at your services

    thank you
    Kambiz wafa tours

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