Planning your trip to Afghanistan

Afghanistan is a country it take years to know all about it in details         from the region of Badakhan /pamir corridor  ,Bamyain, Band e Amir, Balkh, Mazahar, Herat,Samangan,Punjsheer and Kabul

easier to make of your choice Kambiz Wafa Tours have selected the most import ants  for you  Six Days Tour Itinerary  Seven Days Itainerey ,  16 Days tour   and       12 Days Itinerary

you may book these tours .and these tours are running by car and air during the 6 days tour you can cover some part of the county but if you have time to book the 12 or 16 days tours with us than you will be able to cover the most important part of the country we can say you can cover more than half the country .

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Wafa Tours

We are experienced tour operators in Afghanistan
We are from here .and we know the region well than any other companies.
contact us for your Rental services ,Tour packages and Total Logistics .

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